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12:25 GMT         Day 22 of 90, Season 69    

Back after not being missed

Written by Team Masr at 16:52 31/3-2014

  Team Masr has been inactive for almost two years now. However after two years the team is back on track! We were never really a large player in the OCM universe. Things are about to change though. With a new generation of Egyptian riders just waiting to get to the scene our manager has faith in us. He put it this way:"You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. So we better just do it." We weren't sure what that meant so we asumed he was just looking forward to it.


Subscribers: 2

Back after not being missed

  Team Masr has been inactive for almost two years now. However after two years the team is back on track! We were never really a large player in the OCM universe...



Team Masr at 22:27 31/3-2014

AnnoDomini at 19:16 31/3-2014
  Good luck!

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